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We can be house owners, but a house is not a home. A home is where the heart of God lives.
Proverbs 003:033
We must introduce the divine stranger to a world that does not know him. He comes bearing salvation and the abundant life.
Mark 08:22
Every God inspired goal is possible. How far we go toward achieving our dream is conditioned on our faith.
Matthew 09:29
We are called to follow God's example when we are angry. We should remember that he loves the persons with whom we are angry.
Proverbs 21:19
We are called to press forward, perfecting the saints for his glory. Let us no grow weary of doing good and getting better.
Philippians 03:12-14
When we leave this life we are instantly in the presence of the Lord. There are no layovers or passport checks.
2 Corinthians 05:08
The strength of the church is its relationship and connection with Christ who is the true vine. To achieve its divine mission, it must stay connected
John 15:05
Even in the physical absence of the savior we are not tempted to "play" or sin. We remain true to our faith and savior.
Exodus 32:01
To enter the kingdom God, you must experience the new birth. You must have a new walk and talk. You must be born again.
John 03:03