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What does it take to be considered a good and faithful servant? Matthew 25:23. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides and Bulletin insert art.
Matthew 025:023
Walmart says it can be counted on Always, but only God can really say Always. INCLUDES: Power Point slides, Word and Text files, and bulletin insert art.
Deuteronomy 011:012
Often we are faced with difficulties that seem impossible for us to handle, but we have the assurance that there is no problem too tough for God because he is able.
2 Corinthians 009:008
Talk is cheap but when it comes to advancing the kingdom of the Savior it is incumbent upon all of us to Get ur Done. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides and Bulletin insert art
Eccesiastes 009:010
We are encouraged when we remember that God's protective power is sure, strong, and dependable. It is a sure and Holy Place on which to hang our hopes.
Ezra 9:8
If you had to rate God on how well he keeps his promises, would you give him a perfect credit score?
Isaiah 052:001
We are encouraged to know that with God we are more than just a number. Our Savior knows us individually and will respond to us personally, because he’s got our number. Includes Power Point slides, Word and text files, and Bulletin insert art
Matthew 010:028
Whatever God does once he can do again. Once he gave the world a blessing in Jesus and he does it again and again for each of us today. Luke 1:13 INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Luke 001:013
The offensive tackle protects the quarterback against attackers, but God does the same for each of us; he protects our blindside.
Psal 121:005