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Have you ever thought about how you would live your life after you actually succeed? Would you be humble? Would you be proud? The love of God causes all of us to be humble because our blessings come from him.
Esther 005:001
We desire to understand God's purpose for our lives. When we know that purpose we strive to live true to its meaning.
Ezra 008:018
Men view beauty from the outside, but God judges beauty from the inside. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slide, Bulletin insert art.
1 Samuel 016:007
Under the wings of God every saint is safe, secure and protected but many refuse to come. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point Slides and Bulletin insert art.
Matthew 23:37
We are called to emulate the bravery and confidence of Christ when he faced the prospect of the cross, not the cowardice of his disciples.
Matthew 26:56
Many risk their life in Christ trying to get the life the world offers. Don't lose what you have trying to get what you want
Mark 08:36
Men will realize their full destiny when they repent of their neglect and come before God with a fresh virgin like commitment. INCLUDES: Word,Text and PDF versions, Bulletin insert art and Power Point Slides
Revelation 014:004
There are four different kinds of love, but nothing beats God's love. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Ephesians 003:017
Jesus was falsely accused and then crucified. Pilate asked, "What evil hath he done?" The answer was "Crucify him."
Mark 15:14