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The Bible is the essential guide to how to attain eternal life, with descriptions of what to expect when we get to heaven.
Romans 10:9-12
There are many believers who are trying to live the godly life without the bible. But life is a Bring Your Own Bible Affiar. Psalm 119:25. INCLUDES: Word and Text Files, Power Point Slides and Bulletin insert art
Psalms 119:025
The scouts teach every boy to be prepared. So should every Christian. Matthew 24:44 INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point Slides, Bulletin insert art
Matthew 024:044
There are many people who know their Zodiac sign, but do no know the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 47:13
Our responsibility is to teach those who lead others to the cross. However, before we teach we should be sure that we are taught ourselves.
Mark 001:022
God gave us ten commandments on tablets of stone, Jesus gave us the law of love written in our hearts.
1 John 005:003
If there is anything worse than not knowing a truth it is not knowing that you don't know. Many don't know Jesus. That's a tragedy in itself.
Luke 23:34