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We profess Christianity, but sometimes our dress conflicts with the lifestyle we confess. But Christ saves us from the mess that we cause.
Genesis 38:14
There are many people who are falling asleep on their responsibility to serve in the kingdom of God. INCLUDES: Powerpoint slides, Word and text files, and bulletin art.
Acts 020:009
We are humbled by our vulnerability to sin when remember our lives before Christ.
1 Corinthians 06:11
Pharaoh could have removed the plague of frogs instantly through obeying God, but he chose to spend another night with the frogs. INCLUDES: Word and Text Files, Powerpoint slides and Bulletin insert art.
Exodus 008:009
Making a bed requires us to strip off soiled linens and place them with new ones, so does making a new life in Christ. INCLUDES: word and text files, Power Point slides, bulletin insert art.
Psalms 041:003
A woman's testimony should be about her own experience with God. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
John 004:029
Many are coming out of the closet these days, but closet Christians should come forth too! INCLUDES: word and text files, Power Point slides, bulletin insert art.
Luke 009:026
Many youth sing about living in Gangsta's Paradise. However believers look forward to another paradise. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Luke 023:043
Often we know that God is trying to tell us something. We know it, but we do not respond to his warnings. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power point slides, and Bulleting insert art.
Ezekiel 003:017