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There is one language that God understands; it is the language of love. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, Bulleting insert art
1Corinthians 013:013
Many people live their lives in the wrong key. But a believer's life is is lived in the key of love. Includes: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides
Psalms 096:001
Many people are texting today, but there is a five letter text from heaven... INCLUDES: Word, text, PDF versions, Power Point Slides and Bulletin insert art.
John 008:006
God loves us with an unconditional love. It is not like the love of some people who only love those who scratch their back. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides, and bulletin insert art
1 John 004;019
There are many today that are claiming to be Christians while finding love, romance and relationships in someone else's home. It's bad to be caught in another man's bed.
Esther 007:008-009
Gifts used in love are the best gift because they reflect the love and sacrifice of Christ who died to give us everlasting life.
1 Corinthians 12:31
We recognize and embrace all people as children of the King. When we all get to heaven there will be a beautiful bouquet of races, cultures, and nationalities all bound by one unique characteristic; they have been saved by the blood of Christ. When we all get to heaven there will truly be a celebration of "E Pluribus Unum." up by our time schedule. However, our experience has taught us that God may not show up when we want him, but He's always on time. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Galatians 003:028
God gave the world a love that is full of feeling and compassion. It was a love we can feel every day of our lives. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides, and bulletin insert art.
John 03:016
There are four different kinds of love, but nothing beats God's love. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Ephesians 003:017