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Graduates need wisom to go along with knowledge.INCLUDES:Word and Text Files, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
I Kings 003:011
We press toward the mark of the high calling and we never look back. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint Slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Deuteronomy 001:008
When we finally achieve something we have sought for many years we jointly proclaim, "At last." INCLUDES: Word, Text and PDF versions, Power Point slides, and Bulletin insert art
Deuteronomy 011:010
Young people can accomplish many things in life but the first step is to believe in yourself. INCLUDES: word and text files, Power Point slides, bulletin insert art.
Mark 009:023
There are many who start things but never finish them. The blessing in beginning something comes upon its completion. We graduate from one level to the next, continuing until we reach the goal.
2 Timothy 003:014
Everyone gets a little nervous when they are about to do a new thing. INCLUDES: word and text files, Power Point slides, bulletin insert art.
Isaiah 043:019
No matter what prospect the future offers, we should not step into it without God.
Exodus 33:14
It takes two wings to fly to success. One we earn in school, the other is the grace of God which cannot be earned, but is given through the favor of God. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin insert art
Isaiah 006:002
God orders all of our steps. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Proverbs 016:009