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Churches, families or Christian lives that are built without foundations, do not last. Foundations are laid at home. includes:Word file, PDF, Text file, Powerpoint slides, Bulletin insert art.
Hebrews 011:010
We must not be distracted or dissuaded away from the cause of Christ. We must continue in his word, pray and fellowship together, help those in need and lift Christ up continuously as we look forward to the day of his glorious return. INCLUDES:Word and text file, PDF, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Acts 002:042
We give thanks to God for Calvary, for it is through Calvary that the blood of Christ gave us a reason to celebrate. Psalm 16:1-6.INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Psalms 016:006
We know God is preparing a better world for us. We look forward to the promised kingdom of God. It will be a new world order. It will be a different world from this world. It will be a better world than this world. It will be different and because Christ will be there, it will be a glorious world for us all! INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, bulletin inserts.
Revelation 021:005
We must let the world know what God has done for us. As we celebrate we should also bring our gifts and repentant spirit before the one who gave himself as a ransom for our souls. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art
1Peter 001:018
We give praise to God for bringing us through our troublesome past. give praise to God for bringing us through our troublesome past. We also give him praise for the exciting life that he is giving us today and high praise for the glorious future that lies ahead of us. Incudes: Word and Text Files, Powerpoint slides, and bulleting insert art
Psalms 048:012
We must continue to build the kingdom of God. We must continue to transform lives, lifting Jesus up. If we lift Jesus up, He has said, I will draw all men unto me. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point Slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Acts 016:031
Those who stick with the Old Ship Zion are in no danger of losing their salvation or blessings. Acts 27:31
Acts 027:031
We are convinced that if we work together on one accord, we can change the world as we know it. To do so the church must put its trust in one God and trust him only; then we will be indivisible.
Acts 002:046