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There is a fountain filled with blood,it's found on Calvary. John 19:34. INCLUDES:Word and text file, PDF, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
John 019:034
There was sweat in the garden, and tears at the tomb of Lazarus, but it took the blood to save our souls.
Luke 022:044
Have you ever been a part of the crowd? There was a crowd at the cross of Christ, but not all mourned for him. Matthew 21:8 INCLUDES: word and text files, Power Point slides, bulletin insert art.
Matthew 021:008
What do believers talk about to themselves and others. They should be talking about the power and love of God. Matthew 10:38-40. INCLUDES: word and text files, Power Point slides, bulletin insert art.
Mark 010:038
As Christians, we have no intention of double crossing our Lord. We will not praise him on one day and deny him on another. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art
John 012:012
Jesus was falsely accused and then crucified. Pilate asked, "What evil hath he done?" The answer was "Crucify him."
Mark 15:14
Jesus did not drink the bitter cup that would dull his pain. Was it because he wanted to absorb the pain of all of those who would follow him?
Matthew 27:34
What does it mean to be near the Cross of Christ. Many say they are near but are actually far away INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
John 019:025
Christ is the mediator between God and man. Through Him we have access to God. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides and Bulletin insert art
1 Timothy 002:005