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We wait patiently upon the fulfillment of God's promises. We know that He has never made a promise to us that he has not kept. At times, we became frustrated because he didn't show up by our time schedule. However, our experience has taught us that God may not show up when we want him, but He's always on time.
Matthew 001:016
We are covered by the grace of God who sends angels to protect and provide for us 24 hours a day.
Psalm 91:4
If God has promised something it will come to pass. That is the hope that is renewed with the birth of Christ. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides, and bulletin insert art
Luke 002:015
Jesus did everything he said he would do, including rising after three days and nights. Matthew 28:6 INCLUDES:Word and text files, Powerpoint Slides and Bulletin insert art.
Matthew 028:006
In this sermon by Dr. Amos Jones, Jr., Christmas is shown as the fulfillment of promises made by God to the world. He he kept His promises to African-Americans,too. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides and Bulletin insert art.
Luke 001:035
God would not show us all that he has in store for us if he thought we could not handle it. INCLUDES: Word, Text and PDF versions, Bulletin insert art and Power Point Slides
Deuteronomy 001:034
If you had to rate God on how well he keeps his promises, would you give him a perfect credit score?
Isaiah 052:001
Israel is called a dew from the Lord. Dew forms only under certain circumstances. INCLUDES: word and text files, Power Point slides, bulletin insert art.
Deuteronomy 032:002
We have been throught a lot in our history but God brought us out to bring us to our promised land. INCLUDES: Word, text and PDF file, Bulletin insert art and Power Point slides.
Deuteronomy 006:023