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We are challenged to look beyond the temporary allure of this world symbolized by the "Diddy Party" and focus on the eternal joy that awaits God''s presence when the Holy Ghost Party begins.
Luke 015:006
We are called to trust God's direction and go forward and to look back in distrust
Genesis 19:26
We must remember that God knows when to call a timeout, substitute a player, or take a knee. We must follow his playbook.
Proverbs 003:005
Our faith can transform and encourage us to stand firm in the face of opposition. Though the enemies sought to kill Lazarus, they could not extinguish the witness of Christ within him.
John 012:010
Many have found that the devil is a liar and deceiver who tricks them into making bad decisions; but we rise from the ashes of failure to new life
John 04:47
When we leave this life we are instantly in the presence of the Lord. There are no layovers or passport checks.
2 Corinthians 05:08
It may be a series of funny videos, but the fact that time is winding up is not a laughing matter. Christ's return may come sooner than you think
Mark 013:032-033
We are called to embody the same spirit of grace Christ showed us. To err is human, but to forgive is divine.
Luke 15:22-24
We're called to respond to the rage of the world with the love Christ showed for the world on Calvary.
Psalm 002:001