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When faith is tested it develops patience. James 1:4.INCLUDES:Word and text file, PDF, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
James 001:004
We should constantly pray that our pastors remain focused on the vision that God has given them for the local congregation. To carry out God's will successfully requires a focused faith from a focused pastor; with that all things are possible. INCLUDES:Word and text file, PDF, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Hebrews 011:006
What does it take to be considered a good and faithful servant? Matthew 25:23. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides and Bulletin insert art.
Matthew 025:023
There are three cities everyone needs: Audicity-tenacity and capacity. God uses all three to bless us: INCLUDES: Word, text and PDF versions, Bulletin insert art and Power Point slides.
Acts 018:009
There are many obstacles in life that frustration from idle talk to over actions, but we should not let it deter us in our quest for the kingdom
Galatians 005:017
When faced with your own Red Sea, you must be able to see God. INCLUDES: Word, text and PDF versions, Power Point Slides, and Bulletin insert art
Exodus 014:021
If God blessed us once, he can do it again. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Psalms 106:007
When we are rejected we should not get depressed, but move on. Those who reject us do not know that heaven was at their doorstep.
Luke 010:011
When those who see what God has done for us, they are amazed and ask, "Is that you?" And we say, "Yes, thanks to the grace of God!" Ruth 1:19 INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Ruth 001:019