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Martin Luther King spoke about being free at last, but even more than that we need a freedom that lasts. INCLUDES:Word and text file, PDF, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
John 008:036
We give thanks to God for Calvary, for it is through Calvary that the blood of Christ gave us a reason to celebrate. Psalm 16:1-6.INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Psalms 016:006
If a generation grows up among us that does not know the way of the Lord, it will be disasterous to our people. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Bulletin insert art, and Power Point slides.
Exodus 001:008
We are happy to be rooted in the Lord. His word has been sown in our hearts. It is nurtured in the fertile ground of our faith. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, Bulletin insert art
Matthew 013:003-009
We give praise to God for bringing us through our troublesome past. give praise to God for bringing us through our troublesome past. We also give him praise for the exciting life that he is giving us today and high praise for the glorious future that lies ahead of us. Incudes: Word and Text Files, Powerpoint slides, and bulleting insert art
Psalms 048:012
The word of God chisles a stone of hope out of the mountain of despair. With this hope we march forward. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides and bulletin insert art.
Daniel 002:045
We embrace the dream of peace, love, and eternal life for those who accept Christ as their savior. It is a strange dream; some may laugh but is making it happen.
Isaiah 11:06
The great women of our history have helped many in life and help many to find God. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Romans 016:002
Every woman stands on the shoulders of sisters gone before them. They are their ansistahs. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides and Bulletin insert art
Acts 017:012