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The amount of faith we invest in life reflects itself in the final product..a Christ based life. INCLUDES: Word, text, and PDF versions, Power Point slides, and bulletin insert art.
Luke 019:024
There are three cities everyone needs: Audicity-tenacity and capacity. God uses all three to bless us: INCLUDES: Word, text and PDF versions, Bulletin insert art and Power Point slides.
Acts 018:009
There are many who start things but never finish them. The blessing in beginning something comes upon its completion. We graduate from one level to the next, continuing until we reach the goal.
2 Timothy 003:014
It takes two wings to fly to success. One we earn in school, the other is the grace of God which cannot be earned, but is given through the favor of God. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin insert art
Isaiah 006:002
When preparing for your break through do not be intimidated by the water you must cross. God has it in control. INCLUDES: Word and text files, PDF versions, Bulletin insert art and Power Point slides.
Joshua 003:005
We do not relish afflictions and difficulties. However, we know that every situation, even an unfortunate one offers a nugget of good fortune. God has promised that all things, including misfortune, will work to the good of those who called according to his purpose. That’s the good news: There is good fortune in every misfortune.INCLUDES: word and text files, Power Point slides, bulletin insert art.
Psalms 119:071
Many times we want to believe that others are the reason for our failure to succeed when we are really our own problem. INCLUDES: Power Point slides, Bulletin insert art, Word and Text files.
Exodus 003:013
There is an explanation for the events of our lives; they all lead to what God has for us. INCLUDES: Word, Text and PDF versions, Power Point Slides and Bulletin insert art
Luke 004:013
Our goal is to please God in all that we do.
Ecclesiastes 12:13