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Whenever we think there is nothing left for us to do, God produces wells and palm trees.
Exodus 015:027
How is your vision when comes to seeing the things of Christ? Includes: Word file, PDF, Text file, Powerpoint slides, Bulletin insert.
1Corinthians 013:12
We know that our lives will not be easy; temptation and trouble are hiding behind every corner. However, we won't lose hope, because when it looks like the devil is about to put our head in a basket, God shows up makes everything alright. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point Slides, and Bulletin insert art.
2 Corinthians 011:024
The Bible is the essential guide to how to attain eternal life, with descriptions of what to expect when we get to heaven.
Romans 10:9-12
We have a believable witness when we can tell our story of deliverance and faith. Those who know our story, believe our testimony.
Romans 010:016
We wait patiently upon the fulfillment of God's promises. We know that He has never made a promise to us that he has not kept. At times, we became frustrated because he didn't show up by our time schedule. However, our experience has taught us that God may not show up when we want him, but He's always on time.
Matthew 001:016
There are similarities between a car that that is inoperable and a life that is not working correctly. INCLUDES: Word, Text and PDF versions, Power Point Slides, and Bulletin Insert Art
Ecclesiastes 003:001
Whenever we think about how good God has been to us we are called to worship the Lord because He is great and His mercy endureth forever. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides and Bulletin insert art.
Psalms 027:004
on the morning of the resurrection, Mary mistook Jesus for the gardener; today many mistake Jesus for everything accept their savior.
John 020:015