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The Bible is the essential guide to how to attain eternal life, with descriptions of what to expect when we get to heaven.
Romans 10:9-12
on the morning of the resurrection, Mary mistook Jesus for the gardener; today many mistake Jesus for everything accept their savior.
John 020:015
In desperation, many believers are tempted to cross the line between Christian living and worldly living. Misguided desperation leads to temptation, b
Luke 015:008-009
We profess Christianity, but sometimes our dress conflicts with the lifestyle we confess. But Christ saves us from the mess that we cause.
Genesis 38:14
We acknowledge that in many way we are similar to sheep. That's why we lean so heavily on the good shepherd to lead us.
Isaiah 053:006
Pharaoh could have removed the plague of frogs instantly through obeying God, but he chose to spend another night with the frogs. INCLUDES: Word and Text Files, Powerpoint slides and Bulletin insert art.
Exodus 008:009
We have pledged our lives to build the kingdom of God. We know whatever happens along the way will benefit the kingdom somehow.
Romans 08:28
Making a bed requires us to strip off soiled linens and place them with new ones, so does making a new life in Christ. INCLUDES: word and text files, Power Point slides, bulletin insert art.
Psalms 041:003
There are some problems that are caused by messy people, other times we create our own mess. God somehow blesses us in the middle of our mess. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, Bulletin insert art
Luke 006:010