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In this sermon by Dr. Amos Jones of Nashville, TN Jesus is offered to unbelievers as a cure for the fever that is burdening down our sick society. Men are scrambling to get to Him because there is a fever in the house. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point Slides and bulletin insert art.
Mark 001:029
God refills us with grace and mercy every day.
Lamentation 003:022
If God blessed us once, he can do it again. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Psalms 106:007
Life doesn't give us anything free; but the Grace of of God is totally free. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point Slides, Bulletin insert art.
Joshua 024:013
When trouble and frustrations hit us, we can call on the Lord. One call does it all. INCLUDES: Word, text, and PDF versions, bulleting insert art and Power Point slides.
Psalm 085:008
We should never doubt our God because whatever he has done in the past he can do again.
Romans 008:037
Mary poured out to the Lord the best that she had from an Alabaster Box. Today, God gives us his best in response to our best and the blessings never stop flowing. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Bulletin insert art,and PowerPoint slides.
Mark 014:003
The blood of Christ reverses the curse of sin on each life. INCLUDES: Word, Text and PDF files, Power Point slides and Bulletin insert art
Matthew 009:020
We should rejoice that our God looked down on us in our sins and decided to restores us to his favor.
Psalm 103:002