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There is a fountain filled with blood,it's found on Calvary. John 19:34. INCLUDES:Word and text file, PDF, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
John 019:034
Many people are texting today, but there is a five letter text from heaven... INCLUDES: Word, text, PDF versions, Power Point Slides and Bulletin insert art.
John 008:006
We know that we are sinners saved by grace. We also know that whatsoever our problems, Jesus has the power to forgive and heal.
Luke 006:018
We have found that the power of God can overcome our disappointments and fears. It can bind up the broken hearted.
Luke 04:18
We are happy to know that God has forgiven our sins by his stripes.
Isaiah 053:003
God specializes in restoring lives that have been fragmented by life's experiences and sin. INCLUDES: Word, Text and PDF versions, Power Point slides and Bulletin insert art.
John 006:011
God showed us the real meaning of love when he gave the world the Christ child in Bethlehem and Savior in Jerusalem.
John 03:16
We are happy to know that even though we may seem like a hopeless case, but God sees value.
Nehemiah 004:002
Whatever we lose in life can be restored with God's help; including our peace and joy.
Psalm 023:003