Have you ever had friends who had a great day fishing to share their catch with you? When they brought you those, Brim, Perches and other fresh water favorites, were they already cleaned? It's great to receive fish as a gift but it's even better when someone gives them to you already scaled, washed and ready for the frying pan.
Cleaning fish can be a nasty job. Those who catch fish enjoy the thrill of the catch, but those who must clean fish have a dirty, smelly, messy job. There are many people who enjoy catching fish, but they detest cleaning them. They often catch many fish then give them to a friend as a gift, uncleaned.
When we receive uncleaned fish we are grateful for the gift, but we may not always be happy with the prospect of cleaning them.
Jesus made us fisher's men. We should not worry about cleaning them. He'll take care of that.