Has anyone from your family ever served in the military? There are very few families that have never had any of its members to serve in the military.
There are a few that have long histories of producing men and women who have given of themselves to serve and protect our nation's freedom. These veterans know the importance of God and country because they have served meritoriously as a part of the nation's defense operation.
Saints who spend their lives helping others and serving in the kingdom of God are soldiers in the army of God. They volunteered for the service, with the full knowledge that being in God's army requires sacrificial service that may not draw the accolades of society. They knew it could mean being unpopular. It could even be dangerous! Like good soldiers, every saint stands ready to defend the faith regardless of the cost.
Today, stand ready to defend your faith. Someone today will question your beliefs. Like a good soldier be on guard. Defend your faith by living its truth; you won't win an argument.