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What happens when our past comes back to haunt us? Has it ever happened to you? Its when a chapter in your life that was once closed is suddenly reopened or revisited. Its when you stare at the results of a failed experience returned before your eyes. In happens in all areas of life. Its that moment when you look at the bad habits of one of your children and realize that you are looking at yourself at the same age. It is very frustrating when we see it unfold in front of our eyes.
In 1963 after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, most of white America became angry with Black Muslim leader Malcolm X when he made a disturbing analogy. Malcolm said that America operates with a double standard. Abroad, it opposes governments that do not support freedom for all citizens; then denies freedoms to its own. In addition, he said, the nation attempts to assassinate and remove leaders of opposing nations through the covert actions of the CIA and other secret government organizations. He said the assassination of John F. Kennedy was a case of When the chickens come home to roost.
The phrase, When the chickens come home to roost is a colloquialism that refers to the tendency of chickens on a farm to roam freely. In the day, they are often seen under the house or pecking long distances from the coop. However, when the sun begins to set, without fail, chickens will always come back home to perch themselves on the roosts.
Even in the church, the chickens have come home to roost. There are many who are looking at the results many years of neglect and spiritual decay before. Churches that allowed their mens programs to die are now frustrated with the scarcity of males in the fellowship. Churches that have treated their teaching ministries lightly have fallen prey to Praise, Worship, and Prosperity cults that have outgrown the body of Christ. The chickens have come home to roost.
As Christians, we know that whatever we do today, will meet us again in a few years. We should do our best to lift Christ up before this present generation. When we fail to do what we should do with enthusiasm and power, we deny him to a world of unbelievers. That denial will come back to haunt us one day, when the chickens come home to roost. Today, remember whatever you do will come back to you one day; so be just, kind and merciful. They will be pleasant sights when you see them again.