Sometimes we are given free meals courtesy of a friend who decides to provide a treat. The meal may have been free to you, but someone paid the price. In Psalm 23 David said, He prepareth a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. That meal has been served to us many times, but it was not free.
What if God charged us for the bounty we receive; how much would it cost? Could we afford it? Suppose we had to pay for blessings? What if heaven placed a price on answered prayer would there ever be specials or buy one get one free offers? Would we need a lay-a-way plan? The good news is that the table that God prepares before us every day is available to us without charge, but it does have a price, but the price has already been paid.
We are happy to know that the savior has made the bounties of heaven available to us without charge, including the opportunity for eternal life. It was free for us, but it was not cheap. Thankfully, Jesus paid it all.