Have you ever put off doing something that was important until another day? If so you are probably like most people in the world; most of us are chronic procrastinators who routinely place distasteful tasks just beyond the reach of the day.
The farmer enjoys harvesting the crops, but plowing under the field is something he'd rather do tomorrow.
The fisherman enjoys making a fine catch, but cleaning his catch is something that can wait until tomorrow.
Painting the house, scrubbing the floors, paying bills or visiting the dentist are all tasks that always appear to be better suited for tomorrow.
There is a Spanish proverb that says, "The road of by-and-by leads to the house of never.'' Usually when one says, "I'll get around to it tomorrow," it really means, "Never.'' It is not that there is no intention of doing the thing in question. It is just that we put it off. We have another proverb that puts it very bluntly. "The way to hell is paved with good intentions.''
As Christians, we often put off until tomorrow those things that need to be done today. However, our God never sleeps or slumbers; He is always protecting and providing for us in the present rather than waiting until tomorrow. If God waited until tomorrow to give us a blessings that we need today, our lives would be miserable. Thank God, our Savior provides what we need one day at a time and never waits until tomorrow.