Has anyone ever laughed at your dream?
Often young people get chuckles from their parents, and sometimes their teachers who are amused when they say they are dreaming about being brain surgeons, engineers, or math specialists. The adults who second-guess youth usually do so because theyare peering hard at their performance in the present without considering the potential of the young person that is speaking. If we have learned anything from history it should be that we should ration the use of the word never. We should be careful when we way something can't can be done. We shouldn't doubt the possibilities that exist for any person who sets his mind on a goal and decides to pursue it with everything he has within him.
Many of the people who set out to achieve a personal goal do so because they bring a controlled passion to their quest. It is a passion fueled by the spirit of God, controlled by his hand, and protected by his divine power. Christian youth should turn deaf ears to those who tell them that they can never achieve their goals because they know what the word of God says. They know beyond the shadow of a doubt that if they seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness that all other things will be added unto them.
If God has spoken it; and God has empowered it; it shall be so.
As Christians, we are confident in our belief that if God has blessed our aspirations and has spoken it into being, his word will not return to him void. That which God has prepared for us can only slip through our fingers if we've failed to prepare ourselves to receive what he has given.
Today, approach the challenges before you that God is backing you up and that his will must be done. Be bold today! Be bold!