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Many have been unfaithful to God and it grieves Him.
Do you know someone who has been unfaithful? Often we watch what appears to be the smartest, wisest people become involved in entanglements that seem beneath their intellect, experience and character. Like a disease, unfaithfulness infects every strata of our community. The businessman, farmer, laborer, educator, auto mechanic, athlete and the preacher all seem vulnerable to its contagious venom. Unfaithfulness is destructive to say the least.
Unfaithfulness is immediately associated with marriage and romance. However, unfaithfulness pokes its ugly head into a variety of arenas. The military is constantly plagued by those who would sell national secrets to the enemy. Political candidates are plagued by unfaithful staffers who defect to the other side. Millions of "kiss and tell" books have been written by those who betrayed the confidences of the rich, powerful and influential.
In a greater sense any person is unfaithful whenever that person comprises the principles by which he or she lives. The pacifist who goes to war; the vegetarian who eats meat; The dodger fan who yells for the Yankees. There are many ways to be unfaithful.
There are many who are unfaithful to their own dreams, goals and aspirations. Others are unfaithful to promises made to themselves or others.
There are also those who are unfaithful to God.
How can we be unfaithful to God? When we commit our lives and souls to God and Him alone, then turn away from what we promised; then we are unfaithful to Him.