There are many who are traveling paths in life that reflect their own interests or those chosen for them by others. A generation ago a group of brothers known as the Isley Brothers coined a phrase, “It’s your thing, do what you want to do.” It epitomized what many people believed about choosing life directions; it’s my life, I live it the way I choose. Another popular group Sly and the Family Stone reflected acceptance of this idea in their song “Everyday People” in which they said, “different strokes for different folks.” Everybody can do their own thing.
The poet William Henley caught the spirit of individualism when he wrote his epic poem “Invictus” which said:
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
There are others who go even further, they espouse the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson in his treatise “Self Reliance” in which he taught that each individual should trust himself alone, chart his own course and answer to himself alone.
Following these lines of thought, many have blazed life trails of their own making without ever once stopping to ask whether that path is the path that God has chosen for them. Sometimes, we sense it when we wake up to lives that are not happy, go to jobs that are not fulfilling, and pursue careers that do not speak to our souls.
It is best to let God's will be done in our lives