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Have you ever been bent out of shape? Bent is an African-American colloquialism that usually refers to persons who are completely messed up. Sometimes it is alcoholism, drug addiction or a plethora of other possible maladies. Those who are bent are usually lulled into a denial of their situation and do not accept their position at all. They are bent so bad that straightening up seems out of the question.
There are many today who asleep. They are messed up, tangled up and tied up into the world so tightly that they cannot get loose. Yet, deep inside they want to do what is right.
Straightening up is difficult for many people. Straightening up requires us to wake up and change our direction in life. The late Nat King Cole had a hit tune that was sung around America.
Nat King Coles humorous little song had America saying words that carried very serious implications, we all need to wake up, straighten up and fly right.
When it comes to our relationship with God, we need to wake up straighten up and fly right!
When it comes to our relationships with the church, we need to wake up, straighten up and fly right.
When it comes to our relationship with each other, we need to wake up, straighten up and fly right.
As Christians, we know that it is essential for us to repent and turn away from sin, if we intend to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Nat King Cole said it one way, but Jesus said it in no uncertain terms: if want to enter the kingdom, we must be born again. Today, stay focused on the straight and narrow path that leads to the kingdom of God. Resist any temptation to stray.