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Our body is the temple of God. The Holy Spirit can clean up a dirty house.INCLUDES: WORD, PDF, BULLETIN INSERT,POWERPOINT SLIDES
1Corinthians 003:016
In desperation, many believers are tempted to cross the line between Christian living and worldly living. Misguided desperation leads to temptation, b
Luke 015:008-009
God wants to give us full service, too often we think we can do it ourselves. INCLUDES:Word and text file, PDF, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Psalms 107:008
We know that whatever we do today will meet us again in a few years. We should do our best to lift Christ up to the world.
Isaiah 048:018
How sin gets into the Church and how it is removed. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art.
1Corinthians 005:006
God is measuring his creation. He has punishments for those who come up short and rewards for the victors. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point
Amos 007:007
If you have been bowing at the altar of materialism, then maybe you should consider altering your altars. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Powerpoint slides and Bulletin insert art
Exodus 027:001
As Christians, we know God will hear the prayers of the righteous. We approach the altar of prayer with humility and a spirit of sacrifice, with the full knowledge that God will hear us when we pray. Includes: Power Point slides, Word and Text files, and Bulletin insert art.
Numbers 004:013
Everything we do and say leaves a trail. A day will come when we will give an account for all of our words and deeds. We should leave a good trail. Matthew 12:35-36. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point Slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Matthew 012:035