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Those who sleep are not always at rest. What is a saint's rest. Hebrews 4:9 Includes: Word and text files, Powerpoint slides, and Bulletin insert art
Hebrew 004:009
Many people make long lists for Christmas, but what the faithful really want is the continued Grace pf God. INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point Slides,
Titus 2:11-13
We must continue to do good work, help the poor, reach the lost and lift up the name of Jesus, with the full knowledge that serving the Lord will pay off after while. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point Slides and Bulletin insert art.
Ecclesiastes 011:001
Climbing Mt. Calvary is more rewarding than climbing any other mountain. Luke 23:33 INCLUDES: Word and Text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin Insert Art.
Luke 023:033
In a box of Cracker Jack are peanuts and popcorn, but what many look for most is the prize. So it is with believers. What life offers is peanuts, what we really want is the prize of God. INCLUDES: Word and text files, Power Point slides, and Bulletin insert art.
Philippians 003:014
God has a preference for sharing his inheiritance; it is not a matter of choice or chance on the behalf of the recipient. INCLUDES: Power Point slides, Word and Text files, and Bulletin insert art.
Ephesians 001:011
We seek to live a life that points people to Christ. We desire to leave a legacy of faith, service and hope. Our reward is to enter into the joy of the Lord.
Matthew 25:23
The gift of God is eternal life in the peace and harmony of heaven. Many people talk about heaven, but everybody talking about won't be going there.
Luke 13:21
We praise God for blessing our labor. We know that we whatever we have achieved is because God's grace caused it to prosper.
Genesis 39:23